The HUD 811 PRA has been initiated by the government. The main purpose of the program is to offer rental assistance as well as supportive services for individuals with long-term disabilities. It has been designed to cater to all those people who might have a lot of difficulty in living in the community. The program primarily focuses on all those people between the ages of 18 and 61 who might become homeless or even institutionalized without such support.
Apart from housing, the HUD program offers support in many different ways. This support includes the following:
- Reminders to make monthly rental payments
- Extra help in arranging various medical appointments and many other services
The State of Georgia has its own HUD 811 program. It provides highly subsidized rental accommodations for eligible and affected people at designated apartment blocks. These apartment complexes are located in Atlanta and other cities in the state. Once a person is referred to HUD 811, the relevant government agencies will send a confirmation mail to both the referred individual as well as his referral agent.
After that, the referred person will be placed on a specific housing list. This list will, in turn, refer him or her to any viable property that already has a vacancy. Alternately, the referred individual will gain accommodation once a unit becomes available in the requested county. The position on this housing list is always based on a first-come-first-served basis. The countdown starts from the date and even the time when the referral was received by the relevant authorities.
Why Was this Program Initiated?
In FY2012 and FY2013, Georgia had been awarded substantial funding to initiate this program. This was in the form of a Project Rental Assistance (PRA) Grant. Basically, it is a cooperative effort by both federal as well as multiple state agencies. The core purpose is to help transition individuals with severe disabilities into community-based and highly integrated settings. The program actively partners with not just the private sector but also non-profit developers and similar organizations.
In terms of infrastructure, the HUD program provides almost 500 units of highly subsidized housing. These units are reserved for some of Georgia’s most vulnerable populations. In other words, the program has been designed to help low-income persons who are also suffering from severe disabilities as well. This program is slated to become fully operational by the year 2021.
If you want any more information or have any sort of questions and about the Atlanta Ga HUD process, you should get in touch with me as soon as possible at You can also mail me at my email address:
I am always available for a free consultation regarding the HUD process. Rest assured that I would be glad to advise you regarding your eligibility for the program.