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3 Real Estate Prospecting Mistakes You Should Avoid

According to the latest three year economic forecast by Urban Land Institute Center, Atlanta real estate market has shown steady growth trends in 2015 and will show further healthy expansions till 2017. With more chances of growth and economic appraisals, this is a golden chance for beginners and experienced real estate prospects.

While nourishing Platinum Real Estate, I have realized that prospecting mistakes are often alarming. Committing these three mistakes can cause you to lose a million-dollar real estate deal or a long-term real estate client. So, for your real estate advantage, I am listing those top 3 real estate prospecting mistakes. Learn from them and enjoy a successful real estate career.

Mistake #1 – Not Identifying Real Estate Prospects at the Right Time

From my experience at Luther Ragsdale and Platinum Real Estate, I have learned that the real estate industry is very dynamic in nature. To stay current, you must identify your prospects at the right time or your competitor might get your desired deal.

For example, if you expect a real estate prospect to sell their property in the next six months, stay in touch with them. Keep reminding them about your services and let them know that you’re ready to serve them whenever they need.

Mistake #2 – Focusing on a Single Client While Ignoring Other Prospects

While it is important to give time and attention to your client, it is equally important that you keep prospecting to get qualified real estate leads. Time management is the most essential skill for any real estate agent. Define your priorities and give them the right amount of time.

My advice to all real estate agents is to never stop prospecting. Even if you’re working on some of the best real estate deals in your locality, don’t ignore prospecting. Spend an hour or two everyday on cold calling or sending out newsletters.

Mistake #3 – Not Keeping in Touch With Customers

It is highly important to keep in touch with your clients. Your relationship with a real estate client isn’t at the stage when you have handed over the property keys to them. Remember that real estate business works on referrals and recommendations. Stay in touch with your customers, particularly real estate investors. Send them your monthly newsletter or a greeting card on the New Year or Christmas to let them know that you are ready to work with them on their next real estate endeavor.

Avoiding these 3 mistakes will greatly help you find a great deal in Atlanta real estate market.
For more information on real estate prospecting, download my eBook “The Viral Noise – Social Media Marketing for Real Estate Agents”.

On 24th October, 2015, I will shed light on the untouched aspects of real estate prospecting in a workshop. For more information, visit Luther or Platinum Real

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