Platinum Real Estate

3 Best Tried and Tested Real Estate Prospecting Methods

Atlanta real estate industry has evolved significantly over the past decade. Prospecting methods which once thought to be simply unsuitable out of place for real estate are now being increasingly used. Being a mentor and coach in this industry for over 25 years, I have seen new prospecting methods evolve and old ones die. Today, any real estate agent who wants to be successful in real estate must adopt the new practices in order to stay relevant and profitable.

Today, I will be introducing you to some of the best real estate prospecting methods which I use at Platinum Real Estate and Luther Ragsdale. With my extensive experience and knowledge of Atlanta real estate, I can safely say that these methods are guaranteed to deliver you impressive results if used correctly.

1. Lead Generation on Social Media

The reach and lead-generation potential of social media websites is unbeatable. Websites like Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Instagram, and Pinterest are used by billions of internet users, many of whom are possibly looking to buy or sell their home. Using the right tools, you can find a large number of real estate prospects on these social media websites. Here are some simple tips that you can use to attract real estate leads

– Maintain an active account on Instagram. Post high-quality pictures of properties available for sale in your locality. This way you can find buyers and sell your listed properties faster. Also, it will help you in attracting clients who are looking for a way to sell their home quickly against a good price.

– Use Facebook to connect with your clients. Publish client testimonials to build reputation among your customer base. You may also choose to use Facebook to publish stories of your successful real estate transactions.

LinkedIn is best if you want to find genuine residential and commercial real estate customers. Join industry groups to advertise your services and to find more real estate leads.

2. Lead Generation through Email Campaigns

Email campaigns are similar to traditional direct mail campaigns except for the fact that are run online. Email campaigns are best for real estate agents who want to send high-quality pictures and videos to their customers.

Research shows that landing pages and emails that contain videos generate better response as compared to the pages that contain only images and text. You can incorporate this research finding into your email campaigns to find more real estate leads.

3. Lead Generation through Adwords and Google Display Network

Google is the most used browser today with over a trillion searches per year. The number is enough to help a marketer understand the reach and lead-generation potential of Google. You can leverage this medium by using the tools that Google offers to marketers, such as Google Adwords and Google Display Network.

Based on the online activity of the user, the search engine places your Atlanta real estate ads at the right places where you are likely to find more real estate leads.

Using these simple tips, you can make your real estate prospecting efforts fruitful. To learn in detail, download my eBook “Luther Ragsdale Step By Step Prospecting System”.

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